As with other companies, we have adopted a hybrid work model, with a combination of in-office and remote work schedules. Our team is working on your behalf, and is happy to help via phone, email, electronic meeting, or by advanced appointment in our office to ensure the appropriate team member is available to assist you. Should you need assistance, please see the Our Team page for our team’s direct extensions and emails. For after-hours assistance, or to reach our receptionist during business hours (9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday) please call 360-254-5700.

Vancouver Community Association Services

Vancouver WA/Portland OR HOA Management of your most precious resource...Your Home

Vancouver Community Association Management

Invest West Management, LLC (IWM) is a full service Vancouver HOA management company. Listed below is a comprehensive list of services we provide as part of our Standard HOA Management Agreement with our clients. Our goal is to meet or exceed the expectations of our clients without charging 'extra' as many management companies do for services we consider to be included as part of a fixed-rate "Full-Service" Management agreement. We also offer more of a menu driven management agreement where the client can pick and choose which services to take advantage of. We can also work on an hourly-based contract where the client sets a certain amount of hours for our firm to work each month. Both of these options allow our clients to obtain certain management services at a reduced rate compared to our "Full-Service" rate.

Vancouver Association Governance Services


One of the most effective ways to help increase support of Board decisions is through communication. If the members are informed of the issues facing their community and understand why the Board makes the decisions that it does, then they are more likely to support and comply with those community decisions. In addition, effective communication also allows Members to voice their comments, requests, concerns and ideas so that the Board can make its decisions based on the best interests of the entire membership.

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To achieve support and adherence to the governance by the membership we foster communication through board and committee meetings, newsletters, private intranets for the board and committees, and Online Services for members to stay abreast of board and committee meeting schedules, meeting minutes, and actions taken. With our communication programs, members can even participate in membership surveys and vote - all online.


Clear delineation of association responsibilities allows the association to optimize the use of Board, committee, and volunteer resources. Our management philosophy views the Board of Directors as the policy making body of the association. Our managers act as advisor to the Board when our expertise and experience can add value. We view our role as the Managing Agent for your community responsible for carrying out the directives of the Board. In this way the Board may delegate the day-to-day operations of the association to the manager such as:

  • Completing regular inspections of the property
  • Reporting violations of the Covenants, Rules and Regulations, and the Design Standards
  • Providing notice to homeowners whose property is out of compliance
  • Working with the homeowner to resolve the issue

Community Building Services

"Positively managing the expectations of the membership can be a great enhancement to the quality of life in a community."

Our managers play a key role in building a sense of community and positively affecting members' perceptions of their association through consistent communications and management of quality events.

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To help increase community involvement and volunteer effort, our managers focus on a comprehensive communications program to educate members and provide them with a better understanding of association life. Through printed association newsletters to leading Online Services that provide members with convenience and accessibility to association information and activities, we offer a complete and unparalleled solution for our clients.

Property Management Services

"We know that a well-maintained property produces the highest returns for owners - and we're proud to offer a long list of satisfied owners as testimony to our maintenance programs."

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Our staff has the ability to identify and solve your maintenance issues quickly and effectively utilizing our network of carefully screened vendors-vendors who know the level of service and quality our clients expect. In addition we have our own team of professional maintenance technicians. We have found this team to be of great value to our clients as they can often perform the routine maintenance tasks in addition to after-hour emergency response at a significant cost savings to our clients. As part of our maintenance program, we provide regular site inspections of the property, present our findings to the Board, and assist in securing bids when maintenance work is needed.

With our Online Services and our emergency phone line, residents can even report maintenance concerns from anywhere and at anytime.

Inquire About Our Services

Resident Services

We've put our associations online to provide you with more convenience and a wealth of Web site services and opportunities to share ideas and information; get news and announcements; access an online resource center for important association documents and forms; join discussion forums; utilize the member directory; and much more.

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We're excited about offering Web site association services and consider it a valuable amenity for the association. For an overview of the service and a few ideas as to how it can help save you time and get you connected with your community, click About Online Services.

Simply click Sign In to access our association's Web site services now.

If you are new to the Web site, be sure to complete the Sign Up information to receive a password to the private and secured portions of the site.

Online Association Services

Message From The President

We're excited about offering online association Web services and consider the service a valuable communication and productivity tool for boards, committees, and residents. Additionally, with the proliferation of connected members, it's a solution that pays for itself.

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Our online services will help you to instantly, efficiently, and economically:

  • Distribute association information and documents
  • Target and send group emails and mailings
  • Collect resident information and requests
  • Collect assessment payments and fees
  • Support resident self-service and access to information
  • Optimize use of volunteer time and resources
  • Provide education on procedures and rules

We hope you'll take advantage of this new service. If you would like to learn more about the features of the online services, click Online Service Features. If you have any questions or would like additional information, please contact your association's manager.

Chris Barber

About Online Homeowners Association Web Site Services

Our homeowners association web site solution has been created to bring convenience, savings, accessibility to information, and management efficiency to community associations, their professional managers and staff, their board of directors, committees, volunteers, and their residents. The service has been designed to be easy-to-use, easy-to-update, and to provide extensive search capabilities.

Management Office+

The Management Office service puts your management office online to provide you with more convenience and an office that never closes. You can fill out Service Requests, Architectural Modification Requests, Check Your Account Balance, Make Facility Reservations, and much more. You can even pay your dues and fees all online when and from where you want. For more about the Management Office service or to visit the online office now, click Management Office.

Resource CenterSM+

The Resource Center offers a secure, easy-to-organize, centralized location for important association documents such as covenants and bylaws, architectural guidelines, board and committee meeting minutes, newsletters, and more. Your association information is in one place, online and available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Be sure to use the search capabilities to help you easily find exactly what you are looking for - no more paging through documents when its online and easy to find. Click Resource Center to visit the online association Resource Center now.

Email Notification+

This service makes extensive use of email to extend the reach and timeliness of your community information. In other words, we'll use email to bring important information to you, like multi-media newsletters, urgent notices, and friendly reminders about upcoming events. If you haven't already signed up and wish to help save your association money by reducing the cost of printing and postage, Sign In and go to "My Profile" and update your contact preferences.

Search AssistantSM+

The Search Assistant helps you easily find exactly what you are looking for - quickly. Simply enter a keyword or phrase and the Search Assistant will hunt through the entire association archives and resources, bringing the answers directly to your fingertips. Click Search whenever you need a helping hand.

News & Views+

Find the latest scoop on community announcements. Instead of waiting for the newsletter, click Newsletter for up-to-date news and announcements. If you'd like to submit an article for consideration or write a letter to the editor, click Management Office.


Find out instantly what's happening in the community with your online community calendar. Whether it's the next board meeting, the community garage sale, or other special events, it will only take a moment to glance online at the calendar and find out what's going on in the neighborhood.


Need to call a neighbor? Use the searchable directory for published contact information such as names, email, phone numbers, etc. You can also voluntarily share information about yourself and seek other neighbors with common interests such as favorite sports teams, hobbies, clubs, etc. And since the website is secured and password protected, only association members will have access to the information you want to share. To search the online directory, click Directory.


Click Classifieds to find out about garage sales, babysitters, house cleaners or deals available to the community. If you would like to submit a classified ad to be posted online, click Management Office.

Click here to purchase a copy of "Community Associations: A Guide to Successful Management." This book is co-authored by Stephen R. Barber, President and CEO of Invest West Management, LLC.

Contact Us

12503 SE Mill Plain Blvd. Suite 260
Vancouver, WA 98684

Phone: Vancouver: (360) 254-5700
Portland: (503) 221-0924

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